Saturday, August 28, 2010

More DNC Commercials

And a few scare commercials:

Commercial 2
Visual: pix of Armey and Beck
VO:Former Republican House Majority Leader Dick Armey has said that Glenn Beck is the instructional arm of their political movement, yet his message is so offensive that these companies have withdrawn advertising from his show:

[scrolling list]

VO: The Republicans don't care about representing you. Vote [Democrat]

Commercial 3

Visual [scrolling list]
VO: Most or all Republicans voted against these measures that have helped the economy

Visual [scrolling list]
VO: Republicans blocked these bills that would have helped Americans

Visual [scrolling list]
VO: Republicans have supported these measures that favor the wealthiest 2% of Americans. The Republicans don't care about the majority of Americans. Vote [Democrat]

Commercial 4

Visual: GW Bush
VO: How do the Republicans really feel about Americans?

Montage of video clips of Republican candidates insulting different groups intercut with still photos of those groups as smiling Americans.

Visual: John of Orange
VO: What would the Republicans do if they controlled Congress?

Montage of video clips of Republican candidates saying they would undo SS, Medicare, HCR, etc., not do any proactive legislation, but instead spend all their time bringing charge after charge against everyone in the admin.

Republicans don't care about the majority of Americans. Vote [Democrat]

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